Author: Ankit Bansal
April 1st, 2011
Oil <---------------------> Smoke Point
Rice Bran Oil <---------------------> 254°C
Safflower oil <---------------------> 232°C
Sesame oil <---------------------> 232°C
Soybean <---------------------> 232°C
Sunflower oil <---------------------> 232°C
Coconut oil <---------------------> 216°C
'High smoke point prevents fatty acid breakdown and makes the oil usable even after multiple frying.'Author: Ankit Bansal
April 1st, 2012
In the U.S., rice bran oil is currently being used in up-scale snack food production and various types of restaurants mainly due to the products attributes mentioned above. Consumers have also recently become aware of the additional health benefits Rice Bran Oil offers. Recent research has shown the benefit of such Vitamin-E group anti-oxidants as Tocopherol, Oryzanol and Tocotrienol. All three of these anti-oxidants are naturally occurring in Rice Bran Oil. The fatty acid composition of rice bran oil and peanut oil are similar and either oil works well at a high temperature, however, while peanut oil has an earthy flavor, rice bran oil is nutty, enhancing the flavor of fried foods. In addition, rice bran oil gives an ideal color and desirable texture to all types of fried foods. Interest in rice bran oil has been growing from the nutritional point of view as well. The unique components, such as oryzanol or tocotrienol, have been drawing people's attention. Numerous studies show rice bran oil reduces the harmful cholesterol (LDL) without reducing good cholesterol (HDL). In those studies, Oryzanol is reported as the key element responsible for that function. Tocotrienol, on the other hand, is highlighted as the most precious and powerful vitamin E existing in nature and is said to have an anti-cancer effect, too. As a Vitamin-E source, rice bran oil is rich not only in alpha Tocopherol but also has the highest amount of Tocotrienol in liquid form vegetable oils. Rice bran oil is a nutritious friendly oil. Rice bran oil is ideal oil for margarine and shortening. The flavor gives the good palatability and the desired prime form crystal provides smooth plasticity and spreading qualities. Since Rice Bran Oil contains three different kinds of natural antioxidants -- namely Tocopherol, Tocotrienol, and Oryzanol -- some of the major antioxidant companies have recently switched their basic oil to rice bran oil. This movement shows that the industry leaders recognize rice bran oil's oxidative stability. For a long time, there has been a tradition in Japan that women rub rice bran in or put rice bran oil on their face to keep their skin smooth. These women, having smooth and shiny skin, are called "Nuka-Bijin" ("Bran Beauty" in English). It is a tradition and people don't know the real reason why rice bran or rice bran oil is effective in keeping skin smooth but it is thought that it relates to the functions of minor components of the Rice Bran Oil. The oryzanol, for example, can impede the progress of melanin pigmentation by restraining the eryhema activity of tyrosinase as it intercepts the ultraviolet rays at the skin's surface and hinders its (ultraviolet rays) transmission, and because of this, rice bran oil is used in sunscreen products and hair conditioners. Also, rice bran oil is used in lipsticks and finger nail polish since it holds the stick well and has a smooth spreadability. Rice bran oil is being used as an ingredient in cosmetics, and this market in the U.S. is growing remarkably.
Author: Ankit Bansal
April 31st, 2012
Dietary fat is a crucial factor in the regulation of plasma cholesterol levels, and there is overwhelming evidence to support the hypocholesterolemic effect of vegetable oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid. Rice bran oil (RBO) is not a popular oil worldwide, but it is in steady demand as a so-called "healthy oil" not only in Japan but also in Asian countries, particularly India. Approximately 80 thousand tons of RBO, corresponding to only 3.5% of total vegetable oils, is consumed annually in Japan. A number of studies in humans and animals have shown that RBO is as effective as other vegetable oils in lowering plasma cholesterol levels. In some cases, RBO lowered plasma cholesterol more effectively than other commonly used vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid; this effect can be attributed to the occurrence of specific components in RBO, -oryzanol (and its constituents, triterpene alcohols) and perhaps tocotrienols. A range of human and animal studies have shown that rice bran oil (RBO) is an edible oil of preference for improving serum cholesterol levels and lipoprotein profiles with similarity to the more commonly used vegetable oils such as corn oil and safflower oil. Of particular interest is the observation that blending RBO with safflower oil at a definite proportion (7:3, wt/wt) magnifies the hypocholesterolemic efficacy, compared with the effect of each oil alone. Although the mechanism underlying this effect is not apparent at present, the blending may have a practical significance. The blending effect was reproduced in rats fed a cholesterol-enriched diet, and there was also a decrease in liver cholesterol. The occurrence of peculiar components such as -oryzanol and tocotrienols could be responsible for the hypocholesterolemic effect of RBO.
Author: Ankit Bansal
August 31st, 2012
Rice Bran Oil is also a great choice for use in stir-frying. While its delicate, nut-like character complements the natural flavor of stir-fried meats, seafoods and vegetables, it never overpowers them. A further advantage is its natural resistance to smoking at high frying temperatures. Not surprisingly, rice bran oil has quickly become the oil of choice by many high-end Asian-American restaurants.
Salad Dressing
Rice Bran Oil has a light, barely perceptible flavor, making it wonderful to use with gourmet vinegars and spices. The oil emulsifies easily, so dressings don't separate.
Because of rice oil's light flavor, it has found favor in baking applications. Brownies and other baked goods made with rice oil turn out light and delicious. Baking sheets and pans coated with rice oil allow the baked goods to come out of the pan or off the cookie sheet with no trouble at all.
Soap Manufacturing
Rice Bran Oil has a long and successful history in Japan as a base for soaps and skin creams. The oil is purported to reverse the effect of aging by slowing the formation of facial wrinkles thanks to rice bran oil's rich concentration of Vitamin E and gamma-oryzanol. In Japan, women who use rice bran oil on their skin are known as 'rice bran beauties'. In the US, rice oil has gained a strong and loyal following with soap manufacturers and artisans.
Supplement for Horses, Dogs and other animals
Rice oil has found favor with performance horses or older horses that have a difficult time keeping weight on. The rice oil is purported to give horse and dog coats a rich, shiny look. Some zoos are even feeding rice oil as a supplement to their tigers and lions!Vestibulumaccumsan egestibulum eu justo convallis augue estas aenean elit intesque sed. Facilispede estibulum nulla orna nisl velit elit ac aliquat non tincidunt.
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